Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Razzies :: The New Zucchini

On our way home from a 3 day vacation at the beach, within just a few feet of our home, Leprechaun the stuffed iguana, flung himself out the window and ran down the street.  When we arrived in our driveway, we found out what was so important to risk the bodily harm that is entailed in one's flinging oneself out of a moving vehicle. :) 

 According to our estimates, a whole mess of razzies were to be due the day before we returned home.  Moose feared that Leprechaun would suck all the sweet juicy jewels from the vines if he didn't react quickly.

So he ran inside and snagged a quart bowl from the cabinet and started plucking.  "One for the bowl, two for me...." 

And in 15 minutes, he had collected enough for his first batch of raspberry preserves of the 2011 season.  Good thing he's off work this week! :)

For those of you dealing with ridiculous amounts of heat this week...this one's for you

courtesy of Western WA Beaches

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Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!