Friday, March 9, 2012

Sunny Day

Wow, a second day of beautiful sunny weather yesterday.

We decided we'd take a little hike, even though it was a stay at home day.

We checked out the pond.

We hiked up the hill and through the trees.

Check out the house

and the surrounding area from here. 

I still can't believe i live here!
 We watched lenticular clouds dance around Mt. Rainier.

Did you know that you can predict the weather according to the clouds and Mt. R?

Cookie learned that a steel gate makes a for a great swing

and a good set of monkey bars too.

After our hike, we sat on the back porch reading magazines and a little monkey business.

I couldn't resist taking this picture of my
little monkey. :)

1 comment:

  1. GREAT photos!!!!!



Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!