Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wow! Ash Wednesday Already?!?

Yup, can you believe it?!?

Today we visited Lakewood for Mass. Fr. Bro-In-Law gave a great homily, especially as it was also the school children's Mass. He gave us quite a lot of food for thought, as is the usual with him. He is a very blessed individual with the gift to relate to his sheep he is helping to corral. :o)

He asked the kids about what Lent was about and likened it to serious conversation and time spent with a loved one. The concept being that if the kids wanted to talk with their parent about something super serious, would they go to a really noisy restaurant (the kids' all suggested Chuck E. Cheese) or would you go to a nice quiet restaurant (the kids' suggested 'some fancy place their parents always want to eat'.) I love the Masses where the school is in attendance!

So Fr. Pete's message regarding the season was issued as such: It is time to make your life quiet. Cookie Monster has given up 30 minutes of computer a day. I think i will follow suit. I am going to take an Internet break for the 40 days of Lent. So, this old blog will be "dry" for 40 days while i take this time to put toward a few more things that the Lord has put me in charge of.

Hoping you all have a wonderful season: restorative for all, whether you're Catholic or not.

1 comment:

  1. Boo Hoo! I will miss you!



Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!