Tuesday, August 3, 2010

State of the Homeschool Address

Well, well, well, we've made it through the first year of homeschool only slightly scathed. :o) We are still finishing up our first year history book, using it for bedtime stories. Over the summer break we attended a homeschool conference where i gained a little insight into syllabus making and the art of scheduling. Also learned that we homeschoolers in WA state, by law, have to have our child involved in 11 subjects in grammar school. Oy! It sounded like a lot, but then when you add up all the activities (that would extra-curricular for most kids), it worked out just right!

Our curriculum for the Cookie Monster Academy's 2010 - 2011 school year looks like this:
  • Saxon Math, 3rd grade

  • Spell To Read and Write (a grammar program designed to give grade school children the vocabulary of a college level freshman by 5th grade), starting with section I

  • First Language Lessons, 2nd grade

  • cursive lessons for writing

  • Reading works of Shakespere, St. Augustine, Cicero, etc this year.

  • Medieval history from Story of the World

  • Astronomy

  • Earth Science

  • Bastien Piano and Piano Theory

  • Classical Music hour (once a week)

  • art history continued

  • Irish Dance

  • Tap & Jazz

  • Swimming Lessons

  • and Religious Ed.

Yesterday, she begged to do two lessons of Math (proving to me that she is completely bipolar when it comes to math, as she was just screaming and yelling about having to finish last year's math just 4 short weeks ago.) I'm just thrilled that she still loves the teacher! :O)


  1. Congrats on your first day!

  2. How cute is that "I Love You Teacher" note? That is one heavy-duty reading list!


Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!