Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daughters Can Be So Adorable

Yesterday, my girl had a fish hatchery field trip to Issaquah, WA. It's about 30 miles away from where we live. Because the 3 highways we'd have to use to get there are usually a nightmare clogged roadway by p.m. rush hour, i take all the back roads...which makes our trip probably more like 40 or 45 miles long. :o)

We went on our own yesterday instead of carpooling; figurin' if we're going to drive all that way, we'll do a little exploring too. Issaquah is a nice town, but it's been so over built that it's just crazy trying to get around there. Hence, there was lots of u-turns during our exploring, but ample opportunity to listen to Ri new favourite CD "The Essential Johnny Cash".

On our way home, driving through the city-fied countryside between the 'quah and Renton, Ri sighs really hard and gets that look that kids get when they are truly perplexed about something. "Mom," she said so sadly, "i wish i could have married Johnny Cash." When i asked why, she said, "Well, i just love him, Mom. Well, i love his songs, and i mean, i love his voice. I just wish i could have married him, Mom." Then i asked her if she would like to marry a good singer someday so he could serenade her all the time, and she said, "Yeah, just like Johnny Cash." :O)

When i shared this with Hubbie, of course his typical male response was "then I'd have to kill him." But as i pointed out, he should be glad his girl has fallen for a respectable gentleman--a manly man (much like my infatuation with Bono.) It could be worse, she could have said, "Mom, i wish i could marry...(insert Elton John, Justin Timberlake, any one of the Backstreet Boys.)"

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Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!