Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gettin' Organised :: Evaluatin' Square Footage

Once you've had a few days, or weeks, to start habitually working on that daily routine, you're ready to map out areas of your house that can be linked together to ensure you aren't overwhelmed with too much cleaning and to make a good faith effort that *most* every square inch of your house is cleaned within a certain period. Depending on the number of zones you have within your home, your cleaning rotation could mean that your house is clean in 4 weeks or in 6 weeks. I wouldn't think you'd want it any longer than 6 weeks, unless you have a mansion with no cleaning staff. :) Taking too long to clean your entire house could give one a feeling of defeat.

We have an enormous 2700 sq ft. double wide on a double wide, so i've started with a 6 week long cleaning plan, and i'll tweak from there.

Here's a sample for you, of how i've broken down our house.

The Breakdown at, er, of 243rd Street

Entry, Landing, Dinette

Kitchen, Pantry, Desk

Cookie Monster’s Room, Playroom, Guest Room

Our Room, Upstairs Bathroom, Upstairs Hallway

Living Room, Dining Room

Rec Room, Downstairs Bathroom, Laundry Room, Hall and Sewing Room
I think Zone 6 especially will need some tweaking. That's an awful lot that for one week, however maybe since we don't live alot in our downstairs, it is something that i can change by cleaning the Rec Room, bathroom, and one other room. We'll see what happens. I'm not going to worry about, or then i'll get too overwhelmed and nothing will get accomplished. :)

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Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!