Sunday, January 23, 2011

Introducing.... The Muggin' Monthly Photo Challenge

Hi there. Remember when i mentioned in passing a few weeks ago that i was trying a new project: taking a photo a day of my little monster for posterity? I'm happy to report that photographing has been right on target. I've been addicted to this new-to-me website too called Forgotten Old Photos.

To think all those photos came from one person. It's inspiring, and to think each one of us could leave something like that of our family & friends. But how will they tell what era or area our pictures are from when the only info attached to most of our photos is IMG#### or "Shot with a Canon blah blah blah". It will be by our daily activities for sure, especially since a lot of us fashion our home with vintage wares. :)

So i thought that if some of you had been inspired to photograph your little ones even once; be them children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, or the kids next door, it might be fun to share our bests with one another. I'll go further to include those of you who may have other cute critters of different species in your life. The commitment would be strictly have a photo you wanna share, do it! Monthly challenge will commence on the final day of the month.

So with that, i am announcing the inaugural edition of Muggin' for Momma coming this weekend.
If you'd like to participate, truly, all you need to do is snap a photo of your kiddos...once a month. Should you want to share those silly faces with us, please link to the entry i'll be posting on January 31st in the comments, and we'll share in your delight.

Ooh, those wee ones are so silly, it's going to be so hard to choose!! See ya January 31st!

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Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!