Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our Trip to the North Pole
And, lucky for Moose, i found my dream wool cloak almost like this one, just in time for our 10th wedding anniversary in 2011, which incidently will give us plenty of time to save up for it. ;O)
I'll have more pictures of this topic when we return home.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Moose and i had a "date" of sorts, to pick up gift certificates at a few of my parents favourite restaurants and go to daily Mass at our beloved church here. Fr. Dennis is a lovable, rascal of a priest. Yesterday, he greeted us all by stating that he firmly believed that yesterday's Feast Day of the Holy Innocents should actually be a holy day of obligation. We love that guy!
Hoping you all had a wonderful weekend!
Today, we're going on a Christmas boat ride to Santa's workshop and light display.
Aaah, Christmas boat rides. :O)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Who Says Christmas Is Over?
- the Christmas "stuff" in the store that had been out since August had mysteriously vanished.
- the music in the store was back to the same ol' nonsence they played back at the beginning of November before they switched to Christmas music two weeks before Thanksgiving.
- All the good Christmas movies (White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Miracle on 34th Street don't get any billing after Christmas day. Grr!
- People are grumpy the day after Christmas. They should be thankful they aren't getting the same treatment St. Stephen received the day after Christmas!!
- And when you wish them a "Merry Christmas" they look at you like your looney.
Made me wish i didn't need to go out for chicken treats or tp.
Granted, not everyone is Catholic, so they don't all hold the same traditions as we do--celebrating Christmas through Ephipany till the Baptism of the Lord. Even my parents, who aren't practicing a faith keep the tree, the Nativity, the lights, and the decorations up until January--always have. But it's so depressing to think about the people who just start packing away and moving on, not even 6 hours after midnight of Christmas day. So, after some thought, i decided that i will come back here each day of the Chirstmas season to wish you the warmest of Merry Christmases still for the next couple weeks.
Hoping you are able to enjoy today your new toys, your decorations, Jesus in the manger, your family, and all that the Christmas season brings! Fondly, Whit
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Excerpts From The Christmas Letter '09
We can't stand it! We're all so shy, a Christmas letter makes us feel all braggy and fake. And what's worse is when we hear from friends and family who say that they LOVED reading our our Christmas greetings over and over again because they were so funny. Oh, the horror! No shy person ever wants to be put on a radar, eh?
This year, we especially felt ridiculous spending so much money on cards, when they'll just be thrown out in a month. We've taken to printing our own and those costs can add up to something that could be a hefty donation to a food bank--more importantly, a week's worth of meals, with a holiday feast thrown in, for a few families that may need a little assistance.
But in the end, usually after a good heated discussion about whether to do it at all or not, Moose and i give in to the fact that we can really pull out a good Christmas letter when we sit down to it. It helps when you're ever so slightly exhausted, fresh from a dreadful night's sleep. That's when we pull off our best Christmas letters--cause they're extremely silly! The last couple years, our cards have included Christmas poems, or limericks, describing the photo adorning the front of the card such as this beauty from 2007:
And your New Year is bright,
And with that, i took some paper and pens, headed out the front door, let the girls out for Chicken recess, and sat out in the front yard to write this year's installment of our Christmas letter.
Here are some excerpts that i hope bring a smile to your face as you ready your nest for your celebrations.
"...thankfully, not only has Moose had cycling and baseball to distract him, he also has his kind wife and fiendishly clever child to keep his spirits up. For instance, on that cool, Spring day in April when family & friends came together to celebrate his 40th birthday with a “baby shower”, as all gifts benefited the nearby pregnancy aid. Why, even his loving wife learned to make fondant to build him his dream birthday cake--that looked like a dirty baseball. Thank goodness, with it’s raspberry crème filling & chocolate frosting, family members reported that at least it tasted better than one!"
"Meanwhile, at the desk in the family’s den, his humble wife, Whit, started another blog this year in an attempt to document why women like her should never be allowed near needles: sewing, knitting, or otherwise, nor should they be left unattended in craft or thrift stores for any amount of time. Alone. With a credit card."
"Now, folks, its time for a little photographic evidence, er…, intermission, brought to you by family vacations at Pacific Beach & by a clever little game known as “Are You Smarter Than A Broody Hen?” Which incidentally for our feeble-minded family resulted in them trying to fool a cranky ol’ hen into thinking she actually hatched the 6 chicks they adopted this year. In this unfortunate case, the answer to the question was 'no.'"
" Now, on to our final update of the season…Precocious Professor Gigglepuss, er, ahem, I mean Cookie Monster. What a busy girl she has been. Of course, there is the growing like a weed, the turning into a charming young lass, and all that; but let’s just say she’s grown more teeth than she’s lost this year."
"......proving herself even more precocious this year than last, was her declaration to her dear Mum just two weeks after Kindergarten graduation in June: 'Mum, I’m ever so bored. Can we start home schooling now?' And so they did."
"This is Jack Frost signing off for the season here at KMJR AM. Wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmases and a 2010 that is cooler than a space odyessy!"
Wishing all of you wonderful ladies that stop in once and a while and catch up with me and anyone else who's reading a wonderful Merry Christmas with lots of family, fun, rejoicing, and of course, hot chocolate!!
My God bless you and keep you safe this Christmas season.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas from St. Vinnie's
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Santa Baby
and she loves Ewah, the talking Military Parrot, who plays peek-a-boo.
First we write our letter and place it in Santa's mailbox.
Our visits with Santa occur at a local zoological society. It's a small rehab zoo, maybe 8-10 animals. During Christmas, they present the animals in the zoo as Santa's helpers. The tigers help make the candy canes, the llamas are the South American sleigh team, the lemurs are his sentinals, the emus are his Australian landing crew, and the African cranes are his security force. Dag gummit if i can't remember what the cougars do--i believe they are his ushers, but i could be wrong. Very cute ideas though, to get the ol' imagination movin'!
Also very cute is something that i think most Americans would proudly display on their front lawns....(well, okay, maybe only if it had a loud, annoying generator and was made from cheap nylon fabric) :o)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
So, after reading this book and doing a little research on the internets, i decided to go with the Julenisses. Nisses themselves are about the cutest little story i've ever heard!
I remember the first Christmas we had the music boxes, and when i played one, C. Monster came toddler running down the hall and asked "Wat wah dat, Mama?" That was the beginning of the Julenisse tradition in our house. And to get her imagination all wound up, i told her the tinkling must be the sound of the nisse running by--with bells on his shoes, just like she had.
It's that time of year again when we drag out the mini music boxes with their tinkly versions of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Jingle Bells and crank on one each day. Moose thinks i'm crazy, but C.m. has loved the Julenisse ever since she was a little wee one.
Mainly because you never know when the 'Nisse is going to show up throughout the year! Sometimes when she is being an extremely helpful girl, she'll hear the tinkling of the 'Nisse who's come to check up on her. And he definitely makes a point to show up when she's being a bit naughty. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!
So this week, especially, is such fun for me, as i pull out the music boxes while Moose and her are reading for bedtime. Especially perfect as there is a squeaky floor board just near her room. She'll hear the music over Daddy's imitation of a whatever he is reading about that night and that floor board squeak, then you hear, "Listen, Daddy! The Nisse's here! Heee hee hee hee"
Don'tcha just love Christmastime!?!
For more on Norwegian Christmas traditions click here
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dinner, Anyone?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Decision Day
Then, in the big scheme of vicious life circles and the gnashing of teeth in all the sensetive places and all that, i realised by re-reading my post that i could infact be doing the same durn'd thing that Pres. Obama is doing himself.
Don'tcha just hate that!??!?
Maybe i'll have to do something completely whacky, cuckoo, and nutso and actually put on the big girl grunties, make the executive decision, and make the triangles 4 x 8 inches. :o)
Regardless, i think it needs more freezer paper templates, don't you?
Have a great day, everyone!
Whew! Just In The "Nick" Of Time
These are the napkins i've sewn for my sister in Germany. We were exchange students that stayed with each other's family what back when, and since she came to stay with us while we lived in AZ, i thought she'd get a kick out of these. They are decidedly just Christmas-y enough, yet also not too Christmas-y that one couldn't use them all year long.
The theme this year was Fairy Tales. And of course, my child would have to pick something out of the ordinary like "Brementown Musicians." :o) So she helped me surf the 'nets to find pictures of the animals, then we traced the patterns from pictures. First i tried broadcloth, but it got increasingly harder to make the ornaments look like their intended shape, and along with that it required more of my handiwork and less of Cookie's, which was totally not the point. So, in the end, we decided she would make the dog--and i think it's more charming than my crazy chicken and donkey. I do like the folk artsy-ness of the donkey, however!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Goodies For Dance Teachers
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Carolin' We Will Go...And Other Things That Tickled Me Today
Merry Christmas From Goodwill
Well, "covet" may be a strong word...things i "covet" tend to be healthy things like time with my family, time with my parents, and a farm of our own (someday).
But once i saw them sitting just like this
As soon as i turned the corner, i shuddered. I couldn't believe it! So cute it could give you a cavity. Wondering if they were like the Tom and Jerry collectibles i'd seen when looking up Fire King and Pyrex info. I grabbed them and continued my stroll around the store.
Not seeing anything else particularly interesting other than a bunch of Pyrex dishes with no lids, i figured i'd mosy up front and find a store manager and ask her the damage on the cute little set. The cashier was happy to help find her and when questioned, the manager spoke music to my ears, "Those will be 99 cents." The cashier said, "Yeah, okay, for each piece, right?" "No, for the whole thing. It's the 99 cent holiday sale," replied the beautiful, kind, and ever so hard working store manager!! :o) It took such restraint not to hug her right then and there.
The cashier was taken aback--i think she might have had the same idea i had floating around in my head....that these had to be a vintage collectible of some sort. Honestly, though, there is know denying their cuteness!! And the funniest thing, was the lady and the gentleman that i had seen in the Christmas aisle were right there next to me looking at all the other "high priced" Christmas items that the store puts in the display cases. They were looking at a ceramic JMJ night light that was covered in so much glitter that Martha's glitter section would have been put to shame. :o) The lady heard the cashier tell me that she thought i might have just gotten the deal of the century and wondered if i was going to list it somewhere online, so of course interest was piqued. She was asking me were i found such a cute item. I didn't have the heart to tell her that if it had teeth, it could have bit her on the nose.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Crankin' 'Em Out
I'd better start working on those our Family Farms egg carton labels for spring and summer! (Not to mention working on cleaning out the fridge straight away after Easter!) :o)
P.S. Our cat can now tell you what the inside of a chicken smells like. Sheesh! Felines!
What Snow?
And we didn't even have a snow advisory that kicked in until 4pm yesterday that was gonna last all night! As you can imagine, for a person that is infatuated with snow because she grew up in stinkin' Southern AZ where there was no such thing, it was very hard to sleep last night!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Lucky Day
1. it was a 6 egg day today! Go Girls!
2. Cookie Monster performed perfectly all 4 of her numbers in the two Christmas recitals (videos to come)
3. An rare afternoon visiting with dear, dear friends over congradulatory cake.
4. A wonderful homily by my bro in law in front of his boss from the archdiocese, and much praise and hullibaloo, in general, from parishoners and the head of clergy afterward about the family. It's very humbling, and although it is kind of people to stop and remark how pleased they are with my bro in law...i feel so guilty that these people treat the family like rockstars. That's a really uncomfortable position to be in, but never the less, i guess it's price you pay for being the family of the awesome priest that they hold so dear.
Friday, December 11, 2009
These Are The Days
Just this morning, i was waxing on and on about how i couldn't wait for C.m. to grow up and move out so that Moose and i would be able to get a good night's sleep someday (she's taken to not going to bed until 10pm at the earliest! Then shooting out of bed by 6:30am--Oy!) But then i look at the tree, and i wish i could keep her small forever so that our tree could be so painstakingly decorated (even if only just the middle of the tree) by such a sweet little miss who's favourite thing about Christmas is unwrapping the ornaments and wanting to hear stories of how we acquired them.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
RIP Stormin' Norman
Yesterday, while out for Chicken Recess, i figured he'd gotten over whatever it was that i did (feed him grain and spinach from my hands, give them warm water from the shower instead of filling their bucket up with freezing water out of the garden spigot....), however apparently he didn't like the fact i was outside in my pajamas (which are the warmest things i own) or something, because he started attacking my legs. Full on throwin' himself, rather his claws, into my legs. When i stuck my foot out to try to stop him, he kept head butting and attacking my foot (i love my clogs!) Figurin' i could chase him off with a broom and a piece of metal screen as a shield, he chased me around the yard, trying to attack me any time the girls came near. Moose told me to show him who was boss, but i couldn't. I'm a girl, for cryin' out loud! UGH, i am *such* a girl. hmph!
So, after a few frantic phone calls to Moose from being trapped near the coop or being chased away from the house when i tried to get back in from the cold, he came home ready to take care of business.
The rooster had a sneaking suspicion that his number was up, i was just hoping we could take care of it like last time, and find a family that could use the meat.
I am so sorry, Moose! But thank you for being my knight in, no, that's not it; my farmboy in dusty chaps! :o) Well, okay, you probably aren't ready to call yourself a farmboy just yet, but what city - whimpboy has ever killed a rowdy roo with his two bare hands?? I love you!!
Now, if you'll excuse me, i am going to go make a ground beef and day old bread casserole for my hens, and maybe even throw in a little millet and oats just to spoil them. :o)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Last Call
Yesterday, we took the day off school to watch the events on the tellie as much as we could, but we also took the opportunity to fulfill our lunch date with Moose, because we still can. The officer's procession itself, was staged at McCord Air Force Base, just a few miles away from our church--needless to say, we decided we should try to stay out of the area and find a church to attend Mass at closer to home, since yesterday was a day of higher priority for the people who live and work in Lakewood and who knew the officers personally. The procession ended at an events center called the Tacoma Dome, 10 miles away from McCord. As you can imagine, the procession of police/fire/emergency vehicles extended the entire 10 miles...the tarmac and airstrip at McCord was completely full of emergency vehicles and the surrounding streets were full as well at the start of the procession. Completely mind-blowing seeing that.
While we watched the memorial service eulogies, Cookie Monster remarked about how she especially liked the people speaking about what made the officers smile. She said that taught her more about the people the officers were so that we can know why people are so sad that they are gone. Quite a concept for a little 7 year old brain!
The last call is what kills me--i understand the symbolism, but truthfully, it's so decieving if you are a believer in Heaven. That Last Call that they give for the officers that goes unanswered...isn't it just that we as Earthly beings just can't "hear" them answer just yet? Give them some time....they'll be there in Heaven to watch over their families in due time. And once they're all settled in, those officers will answer many, many calls from their family and friends, i am sure.
Winter Advisory
I'm thinking the closer we get, the less free time i'll have (or should have) for posting ponderings, etc...especially this week as C.m.'s recitals are coming up Saturday. Whew! And i am feeling a bit down about the officers, as you could tell--i don't like subjecting you all to such deep ponderings each day on here, so i think i'll be taking a bit of a break from writing. We're all busy this time of year too, eh? Maybe a picture a day or two, nothing big--just a little somethin'. 'Cause i know if i wait too long, there'll be entirely way too much for one entry. :o) Plus, this will give me time to do what i truly love during this time of year--which is reading other people's blogs! ;o)
I'll leave you with some pictures of recently acquired Etsy purchases. Etsy is so great, dont'cha think? I really need to get my act together and start a shop and see how it does.
We were in need of a gift for our church's giving tree. Cookie M. wanted to sponsor a little 4 y/o girl specifically because the tag said that she wanted an African American doll. So after seeing all the uninspiring dolls our toy store and one stop shopping had, we decided on Etsy. Traci from TheHandmadeProject made this adorable doll she named Vanessa. C.m. is especially fond of the doll's hair, her polka-dotted stockings, and the fact that the doll wears grunties (our word for undergarments.)
And i feel very blessed to have my new Christmas wreath designed by Barbara of Oodles and Oodles fame!! I love that she uses an overabundance of collected vintage items to design holiday decorations. It was a hard sale to Moose, since it was pink--oh. The. HORROR! I think it will look wonderful in the sports themed, "man den" of a rec room downstairs, especially for "Christmas in July" while the Mariners are stinkin' it up next season! Just kiddin', Moose. :O)
Hoping you all have a peace-filled week! happy getting ready for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dec 8th
Here at 8am, we'll be celebrating Mass regarding the creation of Mary and the intricate planning that God had to perform in order to create a completely sinless Son who would be worthy of such power. Then at 1pm, we'll be celebrating the funerals of these officers listed above who were readying themselves for work at a local coffee establishment and didn't know they would lose their lives in an ambush that day.
Monday, December 7, 2009
with my added little kicks of cinnamon and brown sugar (thanks, Barb for such an easy recipe to make when we have people coming over to work on the house!), and pumpkin risotto.
I think "Cookie Ray" (as we've been nicknaming her lately) was feeling a little left out of the events with Moose busy working on the water line and Momma in the kitchen. So when we finally sat down to our meal, C.m. said she was going to make us our breakfast and dinner in her little kitchen.
I don't know what she likes best: pretend waitressing or pretend cooking. But here was breakfast--one fried egg, a cherry and strawberry, and a piece of toast with butter. Also vanilla tea in a fancy glass. :O) Oh, and the green farfalle, that's really supposed to be parsley. :o)
Then when the second dinner came around, it was time to help Moose make his dad's famous cottage cheese pancakes. C.m. was excited to use the first of our blue eggs.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
That evening, C.m. and her friend passed the time giggling and sipping hot chocolate and playing defenders that were going to capture me...or atleast, fight me off with a Nerf gun when i gave the five minute 'fore departure warning. :o) You can also deduce just how long that 5 minutes turned out to be. ;o)
Friday we spent the morning and the a good portion of the afternoon saying "goodbye" to one of our beloved stores with our dear friend from the night before. This store is "beloved", as you can imagine, because it is the kind of grocery store where spending 4 and 1/2 hours in chatting away with your best friend and gnoshing on fresh pastries from Seattle bakeries and yummy coffee drinks is not an activity that is frowned upon by employees there at all. :o) Like Cheers, however you can also finish grocery shopping for the week--which took us another hour, since we lingered in the kitchen gadget section and stopped to talk to other acquaintances from the area that just happened to be shopping that day too. :o)
Saturday, we headed off to Sumner in search of the family Christmas tree. Beautiful, yet chilly yesterday. We headed to a place called Red Barn Tree Farm where we did not spy any barns, let alone red ones, however, there were plenty of trees to be had. And we spied this cool old truck.
And to boot, some friends that Moose works with spied us out in the field luckily, so we were able to catch up and sneak peeks at each other's little ones. Any other time of year, you can go months without running into anyone out and about! Love thoses kinda of Christmas presents in such a big world we live in!!
Then we made it to the Santa parade just in time. Here are a few pictures of things that struck me as amusing:
well, okay, this is not amusing at brings tears to my eyes and thankfullness to my heart.
The antique store i visited had these cute candy stockings.
We truely liked it for it's uniqueness though.