Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beginning To Look Like Christmas...

however, i wouldn't say "alot" like it, yet. :o) We will be decorating more over the weeks to come, as we are subscribing to a Flylady inspired type of decorating--15 minutes a day. I might boost that up to 2 intervals per day, as we decided to have two trees this year. We couldn't decide whether to put one downstairs by the fire or one upstairs where the majourity of our living space is. **help**

Now, in an effort to inspire more decorating, we shall focus on what we have done.

These are the candlesticks i found at the Victorian house that hosted the craft fair. Love them--as their made with the old gingerbread cookie cutters.!!

and Mom and i found this sweet tablecloth (with matching napkins) while we were out chasing craft fairs too.
My mom used this as a decoration when i was a child. I believe she made it with fabric paint and felt. It used to fit on our front door in AZ where you never need worry of it raining in December and ruining something like this. :o) In Seattle....we ne'er need worry about sunny days in December, so i've used it in our living room. Cookie Monster really likes him--and she says so every time she walks past him. It's like she's admiring Van Gogh, she stops, puts her hands on her hips and says, "You know, Momma, i really like that Santa Achoo did. Yeah, she really put a lot of detail into him. Looks good, don'tcha think?"

Santa in the dining room too. Although, i am thinking he might be better in the living room so we can adorn this mantle with our nativity. I like to have a good mix of religious and secular ornaments, as that is kind the mergering of mine and Moose's childhood traditions. There's merits in both, i think, but definitely worth being able to share traditions with C.m.

In record time last night, i was able to acquire goodies for the advent calendar for Ri. First up this morning, a tube of organic chap stick that tastes of berries. She so desparately needs that rather than chocolate this time of year-i'll have to remember it next year too!

Happy Christmas decorating, ya'll!!
And Happy December 1st.
Today, after school, we'll be busy trying our hand at making Christmas ornaments with the theme of the Brementown Musicians. Wish us luck! :o)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the candlesticks! Some people are just so amazingly talented. You are one of those.



Thanks for taking the time to read my silly lil musings. Hope you have a wonderful day!